Create an amazing autumn themed world with 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft. We have collected tons of autumn treasures for you to create countless characters, animals and objects. 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft will provide many hours of extremely creative fun.
Use leaves and horse chestnut seeds to make a butterfly. Take a few insects, rowan fruits, pebbles and walnuts and create a meadow. Why not create houses for gnomes with mushrooms, twigs and feathers. The only limit is your imagination.
Once you have finished creating your masterpiece, you can store it and re-edit it in your very own digital scrapbook or cork board to keep and send to your friends
Additionally, there are 100 puzzles and illustrations for beginners to spark your imagination.
123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft is a great fun for the whole family. With our app, children not only exercise their creative thinking, but develop their manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
With 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft the fun doesn’t stop with just creating pictures:
• You can prepare a booklet.
• Take pictures of your family, relatives or friends and create unique frames to print out later and give as gifts.
• You can create a mini family tree, beautifully decorate it and print it out to use for school projects or send to your friends and family.
• Adults and educators can prepare math tasks using numbers and children can enter answers using horse chestnut seeds or acorns.
• Teachers can type letters of the alphabet in book pages and children can create objects beginning with those letters.
• And much, much more :)
When you are done playing, take your loved ones for a walk and collect autumn treasures. Use what you collect to recreate what you have made with 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft, or do something completely new and then recreate it with our App. Hours and hours of creative fun guaranteed!
Note and disclaimer:
Some elements and illustrations in 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft are mushrooms, and some of them are not safe for consumption. Never ingest mushrooms which you are not absolutely sure are safe for consumption. The creators of this game are not liable for any harm which may come as a result of handling or ingesting mushrooms which are not safe for consumption.
123 KIDS FUN™ APPS (Preschool and kindergarten learning games)
123 Kids Fun Apps are a collection of Android Apps for Kids. Our apps are entertaining, but more importantly, they teach at the same time. We pride ourselves in creating fun, beautiful, well designed and easy to use apps.
We share a passion for children, music, education, design, and play. Our goal is to create the highest quality games for toddlers and preschoolers for smartphones and tablets. We are proud to say that we make fun and smart educational games that are not only effective, but entertaining. We make games that let kids explore and discover, games where there are no wrong moves, but where the right move will reveal, reward, and teach.
We love getting feedback from our users. If you have questions or comments, please send them to
Buat musim gugur bertema dunia menakjubkan dengan 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft. Kami telah mengumpulkan ton harta musim gugur bagi Anda untuk membuat karakter yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, binatang dan benda-benda. 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft akan memberikan banyak jam menyenangkan sangat kreatif.
Gunakan daun dan biji berangan kuda untuk membuat kupu-kupu. Ambil beberapa serangga, buah-buahan rowan, kerikil dan kenari dan menciptakan padang rumput. Mengapa tidak membuat rumah untuk gnome dengan jamur, ranting dan bulu. Satu-satunya batas adalah imajinasi Anda.
Setelah Anda selesai membuat karya Anda, Anda dapat menyimpannya dan re-edit dalam sendiri lembar memo digital atau gabus papan Anda untuk menjaga dan mengirim ke teman Anda
Selain itu, ada 100 teka-teki dan ilustrasi untuk pemula untuk memicu imajinasi Anda.
123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft adalah menyenangkan bagi seluruh keluarga. Dengan aplikasi kami, anak-anak tidak hanya latihan berpikir kreatif mereka, tetapi mengembangkan panduan ketangkasan dan koordinasi tangan-mata mereka.
Dengan 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft menyenangkan tidak berhenti dengan hanya menciptakan gambar:
• Anda dapat mempersiapkan buklet.
• Mengambil gambar dari keluarga, kerabat atau teman-teman dan membuat frame unik untuk mencetak kemudian dan memberikan sebagai hadiah.
• Anda dapat membuat pohon keluarga mini indah menghias dan mencetaknya digunakan untuk proyek-proyek sekolah atau kirim ke teman-teman dan keluarga.
• Orang dewasa dan pendidik dapat mempersiapkan tugas matematika menggunakan nomor dan anak-anak bisa masuk jawaban menggunakan biji berangan kuda atau biji.
• Guru dapat mengetik huruf-huruf alfabet di halaman buku dan anak-anak dapat membuat objek dimulai dengan huruf-huruf.
• Dan masih banyak lagi :)
Ketika Anda selesai bermain, mengambil orang yang Anda cintai untuk berjalan-jalan dan mengumpulkan harta musim gugur. Menggunakan apa yang Anda kumpulkan untuk menciptakan apa yang telah Anda buat dengan 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft, atau melakukan sesuatu yang sama sekali baru dan kemudian menciptakan itu dengan App kami. Jam dan jam menyenangkan kreatif dijamin!
Catatan dan disclaimer:
Beberapa elemen dan ilustrasi di 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft adalah jamur, dan beberapa dari mereka tidak aman untuk dikonsumsi. Tidak pernah menelan jamur yang Anda tidak benar-benar yakin aman untuk dikonsumsi. Pencipta permainan ini tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan yang mungkin datang sebagai akibat dari penanganan atau menelan jamur yang tidak aman untuk dikonsumsi.
123 KIDS FUN ™ APPS (Preschool dan game pembelajaran TK)
123 Kids Fun Apps adalah kumpulan Android Apps for Kids. aplikasi kami adalah menghibur, tetapi yang lebih penting, mereka mengajar pada saat yang sama. Kami bangga dalam menciptakan menyenangkan, indah, dirancang dengan baik dan mudah untuk menggunakan aplikasi.
Kami berbagi gairah untuk anak-anak, musik, pendidikan, desain, dan bermain. Tujuan kami adalah untuk membuat game kualitas tertinggi untuk balita dan anak-anak prasekolah untuk smartphone dan tablet. Kami bangga untuk mengatakan bahwa kami membuat menyenangkan dan cerdas permainan pendidikan yang tidak hanya efektif, tapi menghibur. Kami membuat game yang membiarkan anak-anak mengeksplorasi dan menemukan, permainan di mana tidak ada gerakan yang salah, tetapi di mana langkah yang tepat akan mengungkapkan, reward, dan mengajar.
Kami senang mendapatkan umpan balik dari pengguna kami. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau komentar, silakan kirim ke
Create an amazing autumn themed world with 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft. We have collected tons of autumn treasures for you to create countless characters, animals and objects. 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft will provide many hours of extremely creative fun.
Use leaves and horse chestnut seeds to make a butterfly. Take a few insects, rowan fruits, pebbles and walnuts and create a meadow. Why not create houses for gnomes with mushrooms, twigs and feathers. The only limit is your imagination.
Once you have finished creating your masterpiece, you can store it and re-edit it in your very own digital scrapbook or cork board to keep and send to your friends
Additionally, there are 100 puzzles and illustrations for beginners to spark your imagination.
123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft is a great fun for the whole family. With our app, children not only exercise their creative thinking, but develop their manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
With 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft the fun doesn’t stop with just creating pictures:
• You can prepare a booklet.
• Take pictures of your family, relatives or friends and create unique frames to print out later and give as gifts.
• You can create a mini family tree, beautifully decorate it and print it out to use for school projects or send to your friends and family.
• Adults and educators can prepare math tasks using numbers and children can enter answers using horse chestnut seeds or acorns.
• Teachers can type letters of the alphabet in book pages and children can create objects beginning with those letters.
• And much, much more :)
When you are done playing, take your loved ones for a walk and collect autumn treasures. Use what you collect to recreate what you have made with 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft, or do something completely new and then recreate it with our App. Hours and hours of creative fun guaranteed!
Note and disclaimer:
Some elements and illustrations in 123 Kids Fun Montessori Craft are mushrooms, and some of them are not safe for consumption. Never ingest mushrooms which you are not absolutely sure are safe for consumption. The creators of this game are not liable for any harm which may come as a result of handling or ingesting mushrooms which are not safe for consumption.
123 KIDS FUN™ APPS (Preschool and kindergarten learning games)
123 Kids Fun Apps are a collection of Android Apps for Kids. Our apps are entertaining, but more importantly, they teach at the same time. We pride ourselves in creating fun, beautiful, well designed and easy to use apps.
We share a passion for children, music, education, design, and play. Our goal is to create the highest quality games for toddlers and preschoolers for smartphones and tablets. We are proud to say that we make fun and smart educational games that are not only effective, but entertaining. We make games that let kids explore and discover, games where there are no wrong moves, but where the right move will reveal, reward, and teach.
We love getting feedback from our users. If you have questions or comments, please send them to